
National Ferret Day

National Ferret Day is coming up April 2nd! Ferrets may not be as popular as dogs or cats, but they definitely do have some dedicated fans. These tiny balls of mischief are actually very adorable and fun pets, and they deserve to be celebrated. A local Anderson, IN vet discusses ferrets below.

Benefits of Ferrets

There are lots of reasons to love these little guys. For one thing, ferrets are very playful and fun to watch. You may be surprised at how entertaining they are! They’re also pretty quiet, and don’t make much noise … except of course when they knock something over. They’re also quite budget friendly. They don’t eat much, so feeding them is fairly cheap. In fact, once you have your pet set up with a great cage, your biggest expenses will be toys, litter, and veterinary care. Another great thing about ferrets? They’re quite clean, and can even be litterbox trained.


If you’ve never had a ferret before, you’ll want to do some research before getting one. These little furballs can be a handful! You’ll need to provide your pet with a clean, roomy cage, which should include plenty of toys, as well as comfy beds, tents, and hammocks. However, your ferret can’t spend all of his time in a cage. You’ll need to let the little guy out regularly. Ferretproofing is a must! You’ll need to remove anything that could be dangerous, such as small or sharp objects, plastic bags and ties, wires and cords, and toxic plants or chemicals. Sealing off the openings behind and beneath furniture is also important.


Ferrets have some very specific dietary needs, which are compounded by a couple of quirks. You can get ferret food, but it’s not a good idea to feed your pet the same thing all the time. Ferrets tend to get fixated on certain foods, sometimes to the point of refusing anything else. You’ll need to give your pint-sized pal a variety of foods. This should consist mainly of meat and protein. Things like cooked turkey, beef, chicken, and boneless beef and pork are fine. Never give a ferret fish; fruits or veggies, especially peas, grapes, or onions; dairy; dog food; sugary foods; chocolate; caffeine; or anything fibrous. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Do you have questions about ferret care? Call us, your local Anderson, IN vet clinic, today!

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